Molecular biology is one of the new fields of research in biology. It is the branch of biology that pertains to the molecular basis of biology activity. Molecular biology focuses on the interaction between the various systems of the cell including the interactions between DNA, RNA and synthesis of proteins. It also plays an important role in understanding the actions and regulations of different cell parts which can be used to target new drugs into the cell, diagnose diseases and understand the physiology of the cell.

Why Aminolab’s molecular biology services?
- We can provide all the required laboratory services in microbiology, chemistry and molecular biology, from consultation and assistance in planning to analysis of results, under one roof.
- For Microbial tests Aminolab is Accreditation by for microbiological tests- ISO/IEC 17025, has OECD- GLP recognition, National Ministry of Health recognition and National Ministry of Health cGMP recognition for microbial tests.
- Aminolab registered FDA and certified laboratory (FDA FEI Number 3003011665).
- We have dedicated and skilled team of experts
- State of the art qPCR and sequencing equipment.
- High quality and excellent reputation as a laboratory services provider.

Who can benefit from our services:
- The Pharmaceutical and Medical devices industry
- Gene therapy companies
- R&D units
- Food industry
- Pre-Clinical and clinical studies.

Rapid and accurate identification of bacterial isolates is a fundamental task in microbiology. Unlike phenotypic identification, which can be affected by the presence or absence of non-housekeeping genes or by variability in expres1sion of characters, 16S rDNA sequencing which we use in our laboratory provides accurate identification of isolates with atypical phenotypic characteristics. The principle based on ribosomal RNA, which exists universally among bacteria and includes regions with species-specific variability, which makes it possible to identify bacteria to the genus or species level by comparison with databases in the public domain.
In addition, we have the ability to provide quality precision and tailor –made R&D services in many studies in the field of molecular biology.
- What do we offer in this field?
- Identification of microorganisms by PCRby Sanger that allow to precise determination of microorganisms to improve the precision of periodical trend analysis of microbial isolates.
- Rapid tests for the detection of pathogens in food using PCR.
- Rapid sterility tests for pharmaceutical products.
- Sequencing services
Coming soon:
- Presence of Mycoplasma in cell cultures and other biological samples using PCR